Brown doesn’t respect Blue.

As a parent I understand authority and rules. Law and order.  I appreciated the need for understanding good and bad.  I have never had issues with the Police, nor have I had bad experiences with them.  Yet the brown in me hates the police. It wasn’t taught to me to hate them.


There is something about being a good human being which goes against the behavior of most police. Everywhere in the world the police abuse those they are to protect. Someone needs to explain to them they work for us.  The only thing the police protect is the police.

I have no words for the anger but I can explain the feelings. Watch the videos below. There is no reason for their behavior. Yet they were exonerated. It’s this type of outcome which leads to my distrust of all police and justice. When the people lose faith in their protectors chaos will rule.

In this age there are those who will always question, so below is the raw footage. The long version.

Explain to me why these police officers need to behave as such, and why is it ok for them to do so.  There was no threat to them whatsoever.

Respect is always a two way street. You have to earn respect. You want my respect, you give me some respect.  The Police feel they are entitled to it, without earning it.  When they give us respect, we will give it back.

To end on the positive note, as I have tried all year.  In honor of the passing of a great woman and an artist.  Heartfelt condolences and prayers for the family, friends and fans of Aretha.

Source: ItsTheBrownInMe

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