[Fiscal Notes] How Many Federal Medicaid Dollars Can Texas Expect?

Photo of a tangled system of highway interchanges
Texas and the 1115 Medicaid Waiver
In the August edition of Fiscal Notes, the Comptroller’s office highlights the 1115 Medicaid waiver, a federal provision that has channeled billions of dollars to innovative health and human services projects in our state. One part of the waiver is coming to an end; the state is seeking to renew the other part to ensure that federal aid continues flowing to programs serving the most vulnerable Texans.

In this issue, we also examine Texas’ state jails program, created in 1993 to provide a less-restrictive institutional setting for nonviolent felons with an emphasis on treatment, rehabilitation and successful re-entry into society. Today, state jails are more commonly used to temporarily hold felons on their way to conventional prison units, leading to calls for a reset of the program

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