Whats in a Color?

So to answer the question why Brown?  I would like to say it’s because I thought it out and it represented a lot of things.  It’s like when teachers use to make me find symbolism and meaning in old plays.  I always felt the authors never thought that, they just wrote what would be entertaining.  It’s the critics and scholars who go find meanings which may or may not be true.

I chose brown because it was not black nor white.  It was different.  I have always felt different when I discussed life with others.  Like horoscopes make you feel good, people can always find things in personality tests to justify their character.  So today I present to you the following I found regarding the color and its significance in your life.  The brown in me being the cynic finds all this stuff ridiculous, however here it is, because it fits.  

Brown suppresses the emotions, creating a safe haven from the stresses of the outside world within which problems can be contemplated and solved. 

(It’s what the goal of this blog is. Problems to be contemplated and solved.)

Brown is a color of structure, although by no means does it encourage perfectionism – rather it encourages orderliness and organization. 

( I would like to think I am organized, but its not true, but I encourage it in all of you. Never strive for perfection, for you will never know happiness.)

The color brown gives reassurance. It is quietly confident but never the life of the party! Brown does not seek attention – it prefers to stay in the background, allowing other colors around it to shine.

( I am sure my friends will second that about me.)

Brown is solid with strength and maturity. It prefers to function in its own safe little world – it is not carefree and spontaneous and doesn’t like surprises. It can be considered dull, boring and unexciting by many. In fact it is one of the least preferred colors in the western world, along with orange and yellow.

(The outsider in me is so evident. I love yellow and orange too.)

Brown is a predominant color on the planet, along with green. Brown is comforting and stabilizing, while green is balancing and rejuvenating, just what we all need to help us deal with the stresses of modern life.

(This I agree with.. We need us some brown and green.)

The psychological meaning of the color brown can vary slightly depending on the colors which are mixed together to create the brown. Brown can be a combination of black, yellow, orange, red, gray, green, blue, pink and purple, and each of the colors in it will add a variation to the meaning.

(Absolutely true….. I am all about inclusion and variation.  We need to embrace our differences.  I am a product of all those I have encountered.)


Find out your color and it’s meaning.


Source: ItsTheBrownInMe

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