Cisneros Promotes Elderly Fall Risk Campaign

Today is the first day of fall. That’s why a group called the Bipartisan Policy Center has chosen this day to launch a campaign preventing falls by the elderly. It’s an effort former San Antonio mayor Henry Cisneros is supporting. An injury-causing fall can be the beginning of the end for senior citizens, who face the risk or hip or leg fractures, hospitalizations and a slow decline. Cisneros had first-hand experience when his elderly mother fell. “We put her in the hospital and it turned out that she had a broken femur. That was in late July of two years ago. And by November, she was gone,” Cisneros said. “I’ve seen the effect up close and personal. It’s heartbreaking. If we can do something to help people live peacefully and in health for a longer period of time, we ought to try to do that.” The Bipartisan Policy Center Cisneros is part of is urging Americans to use on online tool called the Healthy Aging Check List on their website. Steps to reduce fall risks can be as practical as

Source: Texas Public Radio

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Cisneros Promotes Elderly Fall Risk Campaign

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