Sanders Delegates Not Surprised By Fallout From Wikileaks Emails

On this first day of the Democratic National Convention, the political fallout from the Wikileaks emails is causing an upheaval among Bernie Sanders supporters, including some from Texas. The emails suggest Party Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz attempted to undermine the Bernie Sanders campaign. Judi Lerma is a Sanders delegate from San Antonio who says she’s not surprised to learn about Wasserman Schultz’s anti-Sanders emails, or the decision by Party insiders to force her out. “I think this was the plan all along, use her to do the dirty work and then throw her under the bus,” Lerma says. Lerma and some other Sanders delegates have mixed feelings about the Vermont Senator continuing to support Clinton. Lauren Tinney, a national delegate from North Texas, says she’s looking for cues from Sanders for what she should do. “Very curious to see where everything heads, but my purpose is the same, I support Bernie, I voted Bernie, the people voted for me to come and vote for Bernie,”

Source: Texas Public Radio

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Sanders Delegates Not Surprised By Fallout From Wikileaks Emails

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