
I am out! The brown in me has always been an early adapter, however with age I am slowing down.  There was period going back 20 years when every new tech or idea, I was assigned to test and try. So I joined Facebook long before it took off.  I also had a Myspace page.   I have always been a passive Facebook user as the idea doesn’t fit my personality.  I am very private and have never lived for show.  My life is not defined by what others think, and I have never needed to justify my life thru a form of exhibitionism. “Look what I did.”


Now Facebook has brought a lot of people together, however from day one they have been a business. They are a great business platform and as a company they have perfected data collection. Their need for data collection is evil in that it’s used to drive revenue.  Once it took off it became a contest of numbers.  Look how many friends I have. So having friends on Facebook diminished the need to have real friends in our lives. I have never friended anyone, but I also didn’t turn down any request from people I knew, ever. Years ago I realized how absurd Facebook was and how those on my page claiming to be my friends were actually becoming strangers.  I changed my birth-date to January 01 1905.  Every new year without fail I get happy birthday wishes.  If you don’t know my birthday, it’s OK.  However if you cannot figure out I am not a 113 years old we have a problem.  Now there a lot of people who get benefits from Facebook and rightly so.  I am not one of them.  I believe in the need for immortality, its why I started Lifewall.org. When things are historical, and more important than posts on Facebook.  Not for friends, family but history.


Lately i have found out how bad the company is, their ethics don’t fit mine.  As you all know I hate hypocrisy, and its hypocrisy for me to be on Facebook.  So I have taken myself out of Facebook.  In doing so, I realized my closest friends and people I see the most in life on a weekly basis are not my friends on Facebook.  They have Facebook, they are just not friends with me.  It seems true friendship means we won’t be friends on Facebook.  You will not know from my page what is going on in my life.  Talk to me.

Lastly to my friends, you know me, you know where I am and I will be there 24/7 when you need me.  Just not on Facebook. 


Source: ItsTheBrownInMe

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