T-Squared: Join our people-powered newsroom

Whether you’re invested in a single issue or want to keep up on all things politics, The Texas Tribune exists to keep you informed on the people and policies shaping our state’s future.

From El Paso to Tyler, Amarillo to McAllen, our journalism connects human experiences to the political debates in Austin, Washington and beyond. Our reporters work to bring you the true stories of Texans like Eduardo Talamantes, a Navy veteran who is now volunteering at a migrant shelter in El Paso, Paul “Tax Man” Bettencourt, a Republican senator from Houston who has been fighting for property tax reform for more than a decade, and Susie Angel, an advocate for the elderly and people with disabilities.

But we can’t do this important work alone. In fact, the only reason we’ve made it as far as we have in the last nine years is because readers like you have stepped up to join us.

As we kick off our annual Spring Member Drive, I want to personally invite you to help our people-powered newsroom raise $60,000 by April 30 to fund the kind of comprehensive state politics and policy journalism you’ve come to rely on. It’s our mission to create a more engaged and informed Texas. Is that not a cause worthy of your support?

The cost of producing credible, nonpartisan news has never been higher. Join the thousands of others stepping up to make sure our journalism remains free and accessible to all.

Source: Texas Tribune Blue Left News

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