Tell us about your first voting experience

Do you remember casting your first ballot? If you do, we need your help.

As part of our ongoing coverage of the election process, we want to learn about how the act of voting has changed over the years and how these changes have affected Texas voters.

We want to hear from all kinds of Texans. Tell us what it was like going to the polls for the first time, your most recent voting experience (and how it compares to your first vote) and any problems you may have experienced at the polls. Do you think voting has gotten harder for Texans over the years? Or maybe the 2016 presidential race was the first time you cast a ballot. We want to hear about that, too.

We want to hear individual stories that will help us better understand how voting laws affect people’s lives. You can help by filling out the survey below. Please be as detailed as you can. We promise not to identify you or publish your information without your permission.

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Source: Texas Tribune Blue News

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